The world is a scary place, and you never know when you might need to handle a crisis. But how can you prepare for something you don’t know about? That’s where Beacon Hill Career Training’s Crisis Prevention Intervention Training comes in.

Beacon Hill Career Training is a leading provider of crisis prevention intervention training in the United States. They have been providing CPI certificate training for over 11 years, and they have trained thousands of employees to be prepared for any workplace emergency.

This training teaches you how to intervene during a crisis while keeping yourself safe and others out of harm’s way. The course will give you the skills and confidence you need to make sure that everyone gets out safely—no matter what happens.

This is a course that works with real-life situations and teaches students everything they need to know about handling crises. It includes lessons on how to handle a variety of different types of crises as well as information on how to recognize when something has gone wrong to begin intervention immediately.

The course also covers what it means to be prepared for anything; how to stay calm under pressure; how to deescalate situations without escalating them further; how to recognize an emergency before it becomes too late; how to handle yourself when there are multiple people involved (both on your side and theirs); how to map out an escape route in advance so that if things go wrong there will always be somewhere safe nearby; and much more!

The Online Crisis Prevention Intervention Training: Why Take Advantage of It?

In the current world, you can find many ways to learn and improve your skills. Online training is one of them. This is why you should take advantage of this opportunity. There are many benefits that you can get from this type of training. Here are some of them:

A Focus on Real-World Experience

This curriculum is designed by professionals who have years of experience working in the crisis prevention intervention industry. The instructors know what employers want out of their new employees and how to teach students those skills during their training course. Unlike many other programs, this doesn’t just focus on theory and online work — they also spend time teaching real-life scenarios so that our students can practice their skills before they get certified!

It is affordable

You only have to pay $89 for 90 days of unlimited access to the course material and videos. This is an extremely affordable price compared to other providers who charge thousands of dollars for this same type of training.

It is easy to use

The online platform makes learning easy and convenient for you. You don’t have to take time off during your busy day at work or school just so you can attend classes on campus or go through a lengthy application process just so that you can get started with our training program right away! All you need is an internet connection, which most people have today anyway, and you’re set!

What Is Included in The Course?

The CPI course includes:

Videos, audio files, reading materials, and other resources that include information on what constitutes a crisis, why it’s important to intervene early, and how to do so effectively, as well as helpful tips for responding to various types of behavioral issues.

A certificate of completion in the form of a digital PDF file, which can be used for your resume or professional portfolio.

The Course curriculum is designed to teach you how to manage workplace crises, assess risk and make informed decisions when it comes to dealing with a person who is in a state of crisis.

Who Is This Course For?

The Crisis Prevention Intervention Training course is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to de-escalate crises. The course is particularly beneficial for: 

  • Teachers and school counselors who want to learn how to handle disruptive students in the classroom
  •           Social workers and other professionals who need assistance in dealing with difficult clients
  •            Nurses who want more effective ways of managing difficult patients
  •         Managers and supervisors in any industry who want to ensure their staff are trained and prepared for potential crises
  •           Employees in any industry who want to learn how to protect themselves from potential crises
  •      Anyone interested in learning more about crisis management and prevention

Why Choose Beacon Hill’s Crisis Prevention Intervention?

We have all seen it at one point or another. The person who has a meltdown in the middle of the office they are overwhelmed and need to take a break. The individual who leaves early because they are not feeling well. The coworker is struggling with personal problems and making it difficult for others around them. These situations can be avoided with proper training and education on how to help coworkers when they are having a hard time.

Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) training teaches individuals how to recognize the signs that someone may be struggling with personal issues and what steps should be taken next to help them through their current situation. CPI training is beneficial for both employees as well as managers because it helps prevent unnecessary workplace conflicts from occurring when someone is unable to cope with their personal life due to stressors such as financial difficulties or illness/illness in loved ones affecting work performance due to lack of sleep, etc.

If you choose Career Training as your provider of CPI training, you can expect a well-rounded curriculum that covers topics such as identifying when someone is experiencing a crisis; understanding what causes people to experience crises; learning about different types of crises; learning about what causes people to be at risk for experiencing crises.

Beacon Hill Career Training’s Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) training is the best option for you because it:

·         has been developed by CPIs with over 10 years of experience in the field, including first responders and mental health professionals

·         is a comprehensive program that teaches you everything you need to know about interacting with someone in crisis, including how to assess risk and respond appropriately

·         is a program that will help you feel confident in your ability to handle any situation, even if it’s your first time dealing with someone in crisis

·         is reasonably priced at only $89.00.
